Monday, September 15, 2008

Section 2: Around the Net in Search Marketing

, September 15, 2008 Subscribe | Back Issues | Reply to Editor | MediaPost Home

Facebook: The Next Great Affiliate Marketer?
Seer Interactive
Adam explains that Facebook listings are creeping into the SERPs at a much faster rate than expected, giving online marketers -- particularly e-tailers -- strong competition for eyeballs, clicks and conversions.

"Where are these rankings showing up? Searches for Victoria's Secret, Nike Shoes, Vodka, and Coldplay bring back Facebook as the 28th, 30th, 51st, and 28th result respectively," he says. "While ranking 30th isn't impressive, the fact remains that Facebook isn't trying and they were also not ranking AT ALL a few days ago."

And he thinks that the trend will likely continue, with the Facebook pages continuing to attain higher rankings. "These sites aren't just full of disheveled forums, but contain videos, photos, events, message boards, product offers, downloads, even discographies," Adam says. "The results are relevant and definitely give some retailers, ticket websites, music sites and others a pinch in the arm... If you're able to download songs, buy shoes, and purchase lingerie from links on these pages, what is stopping Facebook from becoming the largest affiliate marketer on the web?" - Read the whole story...

U.K. Marketers To Spend More On Organic Than Paid Search
A new report is pegging U.K. marketers' paid search spending to dwarf the amount of budget they devote to organic optimization. "This year, E-consultancy anticipates companies will dedicate £2.7 billion to search engine promotions," writes Kevin Gibbons. "Of that, it estimates £2.42 billion will go on paid tactics, while £330 million will be spent on search engine optimisation."

The spending likely mirrors the very uneven split between paid and organic search spending in the U.S., highlighting the fact that ROI from PPC ads is easier to calculate -- making it much easier for marketing team to justify as a viable sales channel than SEO.

But Gibbons argues that the tides (and budgets) will shift soon. "Once the growth in online marketing spend starts to slow, I believe money spent on organic SEO will rise; long after paid search spending stalls," he says. "There will be a period where companies recognise that organic tactics are less measurable and harder to achieve but essential if they are to truly beat the competition." - Read the whole story...

Google News Optimization Tips
Search Engine Journal
Getting your articles indexed and ranked in Google News should be simple enough, if you follow these tips Ann Smarty has culled from a number of blog posts and her own field research.

First, make sure you've got the minimum technical and content requirements -- that is, publish articles at least three times per day, give each article a unique H1/H2 tag that matches the page's title, and make sure the URLs seem static. For the overall site, try to have more than one author (each with their own page), include your organization's name and a logo/tagline that clearly indicates which industry you're covering.

More anecdotal tips include developing a news sitemap, including images and video, if possible, as well as crafting articles that are longer than 200 words. "Too small articles seem to be filtered out," Smarty says. Also, if you're covering local news, make sure to give the city name and/or zip code prominent placement. "City name should probably be in a page title to get included in Google local news," she says. - Read the whole story...

Quick Tips For Tapping The Spanish Search Market
So you want to target Spanish-speaking Internet users with your PPC ads? Amber Farley offers five quick tips for launching a Hispanic-focused paid search campaign -- starting with testing to see whether your particular audience responds better to English or Spanish ads.

"According to comScore Media Metrix, 52% of online Hispanics are English dominant, 21% are Spanish dominant, and 27% are bilingual," Farley says. "It's best to test both to see what brings in the highest conversion rate." If your target skews toward Spanish language, hire a native speaker to write and translate your ad copy.

Test your landing pages, too. "If you test the keywords and ad copy in Spanish, make sure you send the visitor to a Spanish page and vice versa," she says. "Part of Google's quality score for an ad, is the relevancy between the ad and the landing page." Lastly, make sure you're using the engines' geo- and demographic targeting features to hone in on both national and local levels. - Read the whole story...

Have You Visited Search 1.x?
Pandia Search News
Search 1.x is a new resource that features articles, links to free tools, a directory of search engines, and even a discussion forum. The Pandia Search team gives it center stage in this post, noting that while it may be hard to build a thriving community, founder Felix Liao is at least generating the content to support it.

"The blog design is a bit unusual, as it orders the post in a kind of newspaper layout," the team says. "It works well, though, and there are quite a few interesting articles there already." - Read the whole story...

Search Insider - Around the Net for Monday, September 15, 2008


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